niedziela, 18 marca 2012

Otis Taylor - Resurrection Blues

We all got to die
But some people
Some people
Some people got to suffer before they die
This about a man
He’s gonna be crucified
Some people die of cancer
Some people die of AIDS
But this man’s gonna be crucified

Woke up this morning
In a deep deep
a deep sleep
I found out
I found out
I found out
I was Jesus
I don’t want to be crucified
Don’t want
Thorns on my head
Don’t want
Walk among the dead
I don’t want to be

Woke up this morning
from a deep deep
a deep sleep
I found out
I found out
Found out
I was Jesus
I can’t break bread
Feed a thousand people
Turn sweet water
Into wine
Been on this earth
Too long of a time
Don’t want to be

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